Dilicig Primary and Nursery School 2005

"A child is only your child as long as it is in your belly, thereafter it is everyone's." This is the African translation of Hillary Clinton's:" It takes a village to raise a child" I found orphans in every household. The children are taken care of; they are the country's future. One teacher told me, "We want the children to understand how to deal with AIDS, how to stay HIV negative and become AIDS-free parents. We old folks we will not change our habits, but the children, they must survive." Indeed, I found these children to be better educated on AIDS prevention than most of their parents and grandparents. They know where it comes from, ways to transmit the disease, and how to avoid transmission. It was truly inspiring.
Right now, we are looking for sponsors to help with micro loans so the schools can expand, built more class rooms, hire more teachers, and buy school books. Government-run schools are poorly managed; thus, it is worth supporting private initiatives such as the Dilicig primary and nursery school (see also our volunteer section for ways to come to Cameroon and help teach computer skills).

Below is a testimonial from a Cameroonian nurse and widow (P.), raising her own three children and another three orphans from relatives. In exchange for taking in the children, she was able to keep her husbands house. Often, wives who become widows are forced to leave the house or  marry the husband's brother. Women who have an education and their own financial income, like P., are better off. A woman forfeits all rights to her husband the moment she marries. Protected sex, planned parenthood, and freedom from abuse are unfathomable to these women.

Dear Rolande,
It’s a pleasure writing to you from Cameroon.  How was your journey back home?  I hope it was fine and safe.  In fact, the kids have been longing to see you again especially the little one you brought her a present.  This little girl presented to her grand mother the present you gave her and told her that she has a mother who is a white, and will be coming back to Cameroon to take her to Europe one day.  Whenever this little girl takes that book you gave her she always talks about you.  She has colored all the pictures in the book.
I met Suh Eunice in the School (Divine Liberation Nursery and Primary School Alakuma in Bamenda) and the kids told me that they have a mother whom they are praying for her to discover medicines that can treat their parents who are dying of HIV/AIDS;  they are praying strongly for you.
Please I still count on you for that project.
I end so far.
I thank you for the concern you have for my family in particular and my country in general.
Stay blessed.  I wish you all the best in life.  God bless you.


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