Our first Jazz Benefit Concert by Jazz for Peace was a success. If Jazz for Peace offers your organization to throw you a benefit concert give me a call and we'll share some of the experience. We thank our audience for coming out and enjoying themselves so much. Thank you to Jazz for Peace and Rick DellaRatta for the wonderful music and the Iguana restaurant for the great service.
Loren Ellis from ArtForHealing. donated this beautiful framed drawing that we will send to you for a $250.00 donation.
Oil on board 24x18 by Evelyn Borchard Metzger.
Art for Healing NYC Org.
W. 50th St. in midtown Manhattan.
Visit the web site to see a huge donated collection
for sale at super prices.
Funds help to continue their art programs.
Loren Ellis (left) and me, Rolande Hodel (right) at the Jazz for Peace benefit concert, NYC.
To learn more about Art for Healing NYC Org. click here.