We are celebrating 2011, the year large scale solid oral tablet drug production started in Cameroon. The companies are owned and run by Cameroonians. We are honored to be invited to contribute to their endeavor.
3. Train locals and pharmaceutical personnel;
2011 Check : Trained 6 volunteers to conduct AIDS testing in Esu.
5. Encourage the twinning of US pharmaceutical companies and those of Cameroon;
2011 Check : Students 2 Science donates $1/4 million worth of equipment.
AIDSfreeAFRICA receives NGO (non-profit) status in Cameroon and meets high level government officials.
Jan. 2011 Minister of Public Health signs "Letter of Collaboration".
In this letter he succinctly summarizes AIDSfreeAFRICA's work in six bullets. Here are the six bullets and the successful projects AIDSfreeAFRICA is working to advance:
1. Support Cameroonians to locally produce drugs;
2011 Check : Providing crucial quality control equipment. 2. Improve drug access;
2011 Check : Expanded revolving drug programs in Limbe and Esu.3. Train locals and pharmaceutical personnel;
2011 Check : Trained 6 volunteers to conduct AIDS testing in Esu.
4. Identify and provide skilled human resources from abroad to villages
and local pharmaceutical companies on voluntary basis;
2011 Check : Send medical doctor currently volunteering in Esu.5. Encourage the twinning of US pharmaceutical companies and those of Cameroon;
2011 Check : Students 2 Science donates $1/4 million worth of equipment.
6. Encourage the twinning of US Universities and those of Cameroon for scientific research.
2011 Check : Getting the American Chemical Society involved, donating teaching equipment.
case there is anyone who has similar problem and still
looking for a way out, and he those cast all kind of spell like ::
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Protection, Healing
Curses, Hex, Breakups
NEW! Combo Spells
High Priestess Spells
Vampire Spells
Authentic Voodoo Spells
Custom, Other Spells
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Need love
Lottery Spells
Money rituals
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Divorce spells
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Infertility in women
Breast enlargement/reduction
Penis enlargement/reduction
YOU CAN CONTACT HIM HERE AS (spirituallighthealing101@live.com or (518) 303-6207) if you need any question contact me via here as mariambaurice@gmail.com